Charlotte Hussey
Charlotte Hussey wrote her doctorate on the twentieth-century poet H.D., who shared her interest in antiquity. For her MFA in poetry she undertooak an in-depth study of Yeats’s metrical practices, which equipped her to write a collection of glosas, Glossing the Spoils (Awen, 2012). Charlotte is a Celtic shaman, belly dancer, and creativity coach. She teaches creative writing, Old Irish myths and tales, Arthurian literature, and a creativity course at Montreal’s Dawson College. Her poetry has appeared in Canada, the United States, and Britain. She has also published Rue Sainte Famille (Vehicule, 1991), which was shortlisted for the QSPELL awards, and a chapbook, The Head Will Continue to Sing.
Awen publications:
Three poems in Soul of the Earth: the Awen anthology of eco-spiritual poetry
Other publications:
Rue Sainte Famille
The Head Will Continue to Sing