A Dance with Hermes
by Lindsay Clarke

Foreword by Jules Cashford
A Note at the Threshold
Koinos Hermes
His Conception
His Birth
First Steps
Tortoise Song
First Caper
He Cuts a Deal
He Considers Career Opportunities
A PR Man Speaks Up
An Alternative Version
His Better Nature
His Darker Side
Dancing with Hermes
He Knows What He Needs
He Cocks a Snook at Nietzsche (and Philip Larkin)
He Visits His Uncle
He Takes up Divination
He Giveth Tongue
He Monitors Its Use
He Does Zeus a Favour
He’s There at the Start of the Trojan War
His Sense of Irony
The Whisperer
He Escorts Priam to Achilles’ Tent
Stone Pile 1
Stone Pile 2
His Gifts to Pandora
The Night Visitor
He Honours the Hospitable
He’s Rated Triple A
He Considers GUTs and Such
In Dreams …
Hermes to Odysseus
His Private Life
His Role as Psychopomp
The Missing Hermes
Hermes Redivivus
His Moon Dance
His Opus
1. Nigredo
2. Albedo
3. Coniunctio
4. Rubedo
His Emerald Tablet
He Takes Off
His Wand
Notes and Acknowledgements