Anthony Nanson
Anthony Nanson is a writer, storyteller, and editor with a background in natural sciences, education, and publishing. A love of nature, authenticity, and the spirit of place informs all his work. He is the author of Deep Time – a prehistoric lost-world romance – and three collections of stories. Anthony has worked widely as a storyteller and, with Fire Springs, has co-produced such ground-breaking ecobardic spoken-word performances as Arthur's Dream, Robin of the Wildwood, Return to Arcadia, and Dark Age Deeds of the Celtic Saints. He is also a pioneering ecocritic of storytelling practice and has written extensively in this field. Two of his books, Words of Re-enchantment and Gloucestershire Folk Tales, have been honoured with Storytelling World Awards. He lectures in creative writing at Bath Spa University, serves on the editorial board of Logos: journal of the world publishing community, and blogs on Anthony Nanson's Deep Time.
Awen publications:
Words of Re-enchantment: writings on storytelling, myth, and ecological desire
An Ecobardic Manifesto: a vision for the arts in a time of environmental crisis (co-author)
By the Edge of the Sea (translator)
Other publications:
Deep Time (Hawthorn Press)
Storytelling and Ecology: empathy, enchantment and emergence in the use of oral narratives (Bloomsbury)
Storytelling for a Greener World: environment, community and story-based learning (co-editor) (Hawthorn Press)
Gloucestershire Folk Tales (History Press)
Gloucestershire Ghost Tales (co-author) (History Press)
Gloucestershire Folk Tales for Children (co-author) (History Press)