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Jay Ramsay

Jay Ramsay was an influential presence on the poetry scene for over thirty years and came into his own as a voice for transformative spiritual, political, and psychological awareness. Described as ‘England’s foremost transformation poet’ (Caduceus), he believed that poetry has a unique catalytic role. He is the author, co-author/translator, or editor of well over forty books of poetry and non-fiction. The Poet in You (2009) publishes part of his Chrysalis poetry correspondence course, which he began running in 1990. He was a UKCP-accredited psychotherapist with individuals and couples and also ran personal development groups and workshops in Britain and abroad. Jay Ramsay died on 30 December 2018, two months after the publication of his last and most ambitious book, The Dangerous Book.


Awen publications:


Pilgrimage: a journey to Love Island

Places of Truth: journeys into sacred wilderness

Soul of the Earth: the Awen anthology of eco-spiritual poetry (editor and contributor)

Tidal Shift: selected poems by Mary Palmer (editor)




Other publications:


Psychic Poetry: a manifesto

Raw Spiritual: selected poems 1980–1985

Trwyn Meditations

The White Poem (with Carole Bruce)

The Great Return books 1–6: The Opening / Knife in the Light: a stage-poem / The Hole / In the Valley of Shadow: a cine-poem-cum-fantasy / Divinations / Heart of Earth


Strange Days

Journey to Eden (with Jenny Davis)

For Now (with Geoffrey Godbert)


Stories Beyond Words

Meditations on the Unknown God

Tao Te Ching (with Martin Palmer)

I Ching: the shamanic oracle of change (with Martin Palmer)

Kuan Yin: the 100 quatrains (with Martin Palmer)

Tantrika: love songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama

Out of This World

Midnight Silver

like lightning inside lightning

Kingdom of the Edge: selected poems 1980–1998

Alchemy of the Invisible (with Genie Poretsky-Lee)

After Rumi

The Message (with Karen Eberhardt Shelton)

Chinese Leaves / Dream Whispers (with Genie Poretsky-Lee)

The Heart’s Ragged Evangelist: love poems for the greater love

Local Universe: poems written in the Stroud Valleys

Out of Time: selected poems 1998–2007

Anamnesis: the remembering of soul

Gita: a dialogue of love and freedom

The Book of Chuang Tzu (with Martin Palmer)

Agistri Notebook



Dreams Down Under: celebrating Australia

Hafod-y-Llyn Notebook

Shi Jing: book of history (with Martin Palmer)

The Three Kingdoms (with Martin Palmer)

Alchemy: the art of transformation

Crucible of Love: the alchemy of passionate relationships

The Poet in You 

Angels of Fire: anthology of radical poetry in the 1980s (editor)

Transformation: the poetry of spiritual consciousness (editor)

Earth Ascending: an anthology of living poetry (editor)

Into the Further Reaches (editor)

Diamond Cutters: contemporary visionary poets in America and Britain (editor with Andrew Harvey)


The Dangerous Book

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