Roselle Angwin
Poet, author, and painter Roselle Angwin leads the Fire in the Head creative and reflective writing programme. Her work hinges on inner and outer geographies: the connections between self and Self, self and other, self and place, and creativity and well-being. She has been described as ‘a poet of the bright moment … whose own sources of creative inspiration are her native Westcountry, the Scottish islands, and a highly individual blend of Celtic metaphysics, psychology, shamanic and Buddhist thinking’. She is a passionate champion of wild places and the environment, and leads Ground of Being work on Dartmoor, on Iona, and abroad.
Awen publication:
Roselle has contributed four poems to Soul of the Earth: the Awen anthology of eco-spiritual poetry
Other publications:
The Burning Ground
Writing the Bright Moment: inspiration and guidance for writers
Creative Novel Writing
All the Missing Names of Love